Love Abundantly
I love surprises! I love hosting! I love being intentional with my people! As a little girl, tea parties were my favorite and often my birthday theme of choice! Our tea cups were filled with apple juice and we wore our fanciest clothes! As an adult, I started a tradition of hosting my grandmother, mom, and sisters for a tea party each year. My hope is to gather the women in my family, love them intentionally, and connect over sipping tea and the tiniest treats! As I prepared to host this first tea party, I was filled with so much joy and delight as I thought of ways to be intentional with this gathering! I reached out to some of their closest people for cards of encouragement, and also collected encouraging words from the men in our family to read to them. It was a beautiful time filled with laughter and tears. I am already planning our next tea party together.
I desire to live a life that loves others abundantly and intentionally. While I don’t have a shortage of ideas, the follow-through and planning doesn’t always happen as I hope. It takes intentionality on my part to set rhythms and plans into motion in order to live an intentional life. This gathering is something that I deeply desired, so I decided to make it an annual tradition. I want to share with you ways that I incorporate intentionality into my life, and I hope to inspire and encourage you to love those around you abundantly!
Happy Day Gifts
Happy day gifts are a favorite in my family! My precious grandmother, Gee, has given happy day gifts for as long as I can remember. What are happy day gifts you might ask? These are gifts for no reason on any ordinary day! These are gifts just because! I love giving happy day gifts to my family and friends that bless them and let them know I’m thinking of them. When you see something that reminds you of someone in your life, don’t wait for the next holiday or birthday. Wrap it up and write an encouraging note and surprise them with a happy day gift!
Mail Cards
I don’t know about you, but I LOVE receiving cards in the mail. It is the best to find an envelope with my name on it in the mailbox from someone in my life! Since I love receiving these so much, I figured people in my life would probably enjoy receiving a card for no reason as well. While this was a desire, I needed a rhythm to help me follow through. I decided to set a reminder to send a handwritten letter to a family member or friend once a month. While I don’t always get it done, having this reminder encourages me to do something I value. Each month, I ask the Lord who to mail a card to. He always brings just the right person to mind and gives me an encouraging word for them!
Reach Out
This fast-paced life can feel hectic and too full at times. There are many moments I don’t feel I have the time or energy to reach out to others, but in this current day we have SO many ways to reach out to those we love quickly and efficiently. Recently, I decided that when someone comes to my mind, I am going to send them a quick text or voice memo. This usually takes less than a minute on my part, and it helps me be intentional. I believe that the Lord brings people to mind for a reason and many times the reason is to pray for them. Instead of thinking of someone and only praying, I pray and then reach out with a quick message to let them know I’m thinking of them. This is also a great time to encourage and uplift them! Friend, don’t let the quick pace of life keep you from deeply loving the precious people God has placed around you!
Keep a List
I am so grateful for the notes app on my phone! I have lists on lists on lists. Haha! One list that is super helpful in loving people abundantly is a list I call People’s Favorites! This list is easily accessible on my phone and a place to gather people’s favorites. For example, their favorite candy, favorite Starbucks or Sonic drink, their favorite color, and any other important favorites that helps me love and surprise them! When I am with a friend and they mention something random they love, I am grateful that I can quickly pull out my phone and jot it down.
I hope these ideas help you love those the Lord has placed in your life fully, intentionally, and abundantly!!! You are loved, sweet friend!